Sretan 8. mart

Drage kolegice i prijeteljice
Sretan Dan žena, svako dobro i puno radosti
Lijepo je da razmjenjujemo čestitke i ovaj dan provedite u dobrom raspoloženju sa puno smijeha.
Adisa Zahiragić, Predsjednica UŽSuBiH
Podsjećam vas na poruku Predsjednice IAWJ, Hon.Susana Medina

Message from the IAWJ President, Hon. Susana Medina

Today, while we celebrate the International Women´s Day, I would like to greet you, my sisters, members of the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ).

We, the Women Judges of the world, we have an unbeatable opportunity to give the Justice a more humanitarian face, a more sensitive face, to deliver a service closer to people; in order to make the system more effective, efficient and independent.

We, the Women Judges of the world, we have the duty to guarantee with our jurisdictional decisions the fulfillment of the gender policies which facilitate the access to the justice system for the most vulnerable women, and we also must enforce those policies which allow the eradication of the inequality and achieve the equity of rights and opportunities between men and women.

There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says that a woman who is near one river will never be thirsty, and a woman near another woman, she will never be alone.

For these reasons, my sisters, I invite you to keep on working together for other women; for the poorest ones, for those who suffer, for the displaced ones, for young girls and for the elderly women. Let´s work for all those women who only have their own existence and need us. Their right is our duty to fulfill.

International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ)